
EW Trading Talk (on EliteTrader)

From 1a2b3cppp - So once the next node is reached will you know which movement is happening and place your entries accordingly?  In other words, say price follows the grey path and does this:
Will you then go long until 1,340, short until 1,305, long until 1,360, and then short again?
Or, say price follows the purple path like this:
Will you then recognize that that path is correct and short until 1,362 or so and then maybe go long until 1,440?
1a2b3cppp - I will follow my guess and buy into dips when it reaches the first node (purple line). I will continue buying if unfortunately the market goes deeper to the grey line's first node. If that bad situation happens, I will try to unload when the market bounces back to the second node of the grey line. Thanks.

Wave Talk - About X Wave

From 大牛Steve - 雪骑老大,作为过渡性质的X浪,其实质是调整浪,不应该是一个5浪形态。 X浪的形态不管是简单或是复杂,其结构是简单的A-B-C所组成。对于标普500,当中这个[[X]]的原来位置是5浪形态,嵌入显得灰常生硬。
大牛你所說關於X浪的是正確的  標準的X浪是快速而簡單的浪形  由04/02到06/04是一組複雜的下降5浪  而那5個浪卻又是不像是健康的(下降)推動浪  所以  雪派加註:  所有不健康推動浪 都標以abcde  而不標12345
那既然偶將它標以 [A][B][C][D][E]  它便有了多空轉換的靈活性  所以這就是為何偶將它結束點標為 [[X]]

From 大牛Steve - 雪骑老大,是不是在用不规则的A-B-C-D-E标注时,我们就可有灵活的余地从而避免W-X-Y-X-Z的标注方法? 谢谢。
關於為何偶們不用 Robert Prechter 的 W-X-Y(-X-Z) 標示法:  因為在 double threes 和 triple threes 中 所以的三節浪偶們都可以用 ABC 來標示, 而為何會有 X 連結浪?  因為在 ABC 調整浪之後, 本來市場要開始繼續原來推動浪的運行方向,  但市場(莊家也好)決定要再洗一次盤 所以做出 X 連結浪 的假突破 (突破浪B結束點), 所以偶們在標示時以 ABC-X-ABC(-X-ABC) 來標示;  接著回到你的問題關於 ABCDE, 它的出現地方是在 收縮(或者放大) 三角形 或是走勢末端 (因為市場已經無力再推動出健康的五節浪了) 所以所觀察到的在 ABCDE 中全都是 三節子浪(或者一節子浪), 這與偶們是否理會 Robert Prechter 的標示法並無關聯

關於強度上在 double threes 和 triple threes  是很強勢的推動浪  因為莊家把盤洗得很乾淨所以之後的推動很強勁  這在道氏理論上反映出來的是  旗形 ... 突破了旗子之後快速走等幅旗桿 ... 有時候是有可能在走完等幅旗桿之後逆轉 ... 但是對於快速走等幅旗桿的動作而言是強勢推動的

Wave Count - SP


Wave Count

Wave Count - Long Term

My Trade - 2012-07-W1

I am starting a new thread for the 1st week of July.  The following lists my positions as of last Friday:

Long Term - Big troop dollar amount allocation:
- TLT 25% (10%-04/10, 15%-05/01)
- Cash 75%

Medium Term - Small troop stock holding: None

If you have any question about short term trading or FX/Futures trading, please PM.

My Trade for last week: