公告: 謝謝這一年多來同學們的捧場 ...
前兩天偶已經將最近股市上漲的期指多頭倉位大賺完勝出場 ... 總點數利潤超過150點的range ... 操作實時帖都有貼在這個版上供大家參考研究 ...
... 從下個星期開始偶不再貼操作帖也不再貼波圖分析和灌水了 ... 但是如果同學有問題可以在這裡開新帖發問 ...
Announcement: Thanks for reading my
posts the past year. This week I have liquidated my futures index position with
a super huge win (more than 150 points SP range totally). My trades have been
posted in real-time on a stock forum that many friends witnessed my trading
philosophy. Since I have many trading accounts that need to be taken care of,
time is a scarce resource to me. I'll
stop writing posts starting next week. I'll still be around. If you
have any question or need any help, feel free to PM or email me.
Perfect EW (Perfect Elliott Wave): The new intepretation on the classical Ralph N. Elliott's The Wave Principle without some other famous modern version's erroneous wave counting and labeling problems. PLEASE JOIN AS A FOLLOWER, FOR I AM GOING TO CLOSE THE DOOR AND CONVERT THIS TO A PRIVATE CLUB VERY SOON. THANKS!
Watering (灌水)

Sold ERX 69.29

Sold XLP 41.17

Bot ES 1642.50

Sold ES 1645.25

To buy more EEM at MOC with 10% Big Troop allocation

您 2013-5-23 10:14 AM
Bot EC 12920

Big Troop (大部隊):
- EEM 60% (10%=42.49, 15%=43.52, 15%=43.42, 10%=43.53, 10%=42.64)
- Cash 40%
SAC Troop (二砲部隊):
- EWC 13% (28.48)
- TBT 6% (62.13)
- XLV 27% (47.72)
- Cash 54%
SOF Troop (Special Operations Forces) (特戰部隊):
- ES (SP期指) zero
- EC (歐幣期匯) long (12920)
公告: 這波股市上漲偶的期指操作已經大賺完勝出場總點數利潤超過150點的range ... 偶在做完這段股市上漲波之後 ... 要退隱江湖了! 因為忙於管理自己和朋友們的帳戶所以沒時間再多灌水了! 但是同學有問題提出偶還是會儘量抽時間回答!
Announcement: I have liquidated my futures index position with a super huge win (more than 150 points SP range totally). I'll stop writing posts very soon after this bull market ends. I'll still be around. If you have any question or need any help, feel free to PM or email me.
Watering (灌水)

Sold JY overnight at 9741

Sold EEM 43.15 in SAC

时时是好时 发表于 2013-5-22 12:53 PM
如果你沒倉那可以試試! 但是因為偶有TBT的倉所以偶暫時不動!

Sold all my ES long position at 1659.75 with a super big win!

Sold XLB 40.80

Sold IYR 73.59

DCE 发表于 2013-5-22 02:23 PM
應該還沒有! 今天第一支黑棒 ... MM不會這樣就讓它下去! 可能幾天後還要再出新高!

Big Troop (大部隊):
- EEM 50% (10%=42.49, 15%=43.52, 15%=43.42 10%=43.53)
- Cash 50%
SAC Troop (二砲部隊):
- ERX 16% (68.55)
- EWC 13% (28.48)
- TBT 6% (62.13)
- XLP 23% (40.73)
- XLV 27% (47.72)
- Cash 15%
SOF Troop (Special Operations Forces) (特戰部隊):
- ES (SP期指) zero
公告: 這波股市上漲偶的期指操作已經大賺完勝出場總點數利潤超過150點的range ... 偶在做完這段股市上漲波之後 ... 要退隱江湖了! 因為忙於管理自己和朋友們的帳戶所以沒時間再多灌水了! 但是同學有問題提出偶還是會儘量抽時間回答!
Announcement: I have liquidated my futures index position with a super huge win (more than 150 points SP range totally). I'll stop writing posts very soon after this bull market ends. I'll still be around. If you have any question or need any help, feel free to PM or email me.
Watering (灌水)

Sold EC at 12874

Sold the ES addup 1653.25 at 1661.00 (still keep other longs)

Sold XHB 31.77

Added up ES long 1663.25

Bot EWC 28.48 :: 13% SAC

Added up more ES 1669.25

snowrider 发表于 2013-5-21 10:04 AM
Added up ES long 1663.25
Sold this addup 1669.50 (still keep other longs)

snowrider 发表于 2013-5-21 12:06 PM
Added up more ES 1669.25
Sold this addup 1669.00 (still keep other longs)

您 2013-5-21 01:03 PM
Bot JY 9743

Big Troop (大部隊):
- EEM 50% (10%=42.49, 15%=43.52, 15%=43.42 10%=43.53)
- Cash 50%
SAC Troop (二砲部隊):
- EEM 10% (42.83)
- ERX 16% (68.55)
- EWC 13% (28.48)
- IYR 30% (71.44)
- TBT 6% (62.13)
- XLB 28% (40.82)
- XLP 23% (40.73)
- XLV 27% (47.72)
- Cash -53% (in margin)
SOF Troop (Special Operations Forces) (特戰部隊):
- ES (SP期指) long (1585.75, 1621.50)
- JY (日幣期匯) long (9743)
公告: 偶在做完這段股市大漲(二砲+特戰部隊::股票+期貨)大賺完勝之後 ... 要退隱江湖了! 因為要管理自己和朋友們的帳戶比較忙所以比較沒時間再多灌水了! 但是同學有問題提出偶還是會儘量抽時間回答!
Announcement: Currently my portfolio's huge floating profit is way much more than what I expected, especially that in my futures account. I'll stop writing posts very soon after I complete this home run. I'll still be around. If you have any question or need any help, feel free to PM or email me.
Watering (灌水)

茜茜 发表于 2013-5-18 09:17 AM
>>公告: 偶在做完這段股市大漲(二砲+特戰部隊::股票+期貨)大賺完勝之後 ... 要退隱江湖了!
因為要管理自己和朋友們的帳戶比較忙所以比較沒時間再多灌水了! 但是同學有問題提出偶還是會儘量抽時間回答!

Bot more EEM with 10% allocation of Big Troop at MOC

Sold the addup of 1656.75 at 1664.00 (still keep other longs)

您 2013-5-20 12:38 PM
Bot EC 12874

Big Troop (大部隊):
- EEM 50% (10%=42.49, 15%=43.52, 15%=43.42 10%=43.53)
- Cash 50%
SAC Troop (二砲部隊):
- EEM 10% (42.83)
- ERX 16% (68.55)
- IYR 30% (71.44)
- TBT 6% (62.13)
- XHB 21% (30.83)
- XLB 28% (40.82)
- XLP 23% (40.73)
- XLV 27% (47.72)
- Cash -61% (in margin)
SOF Troop (Special Operations Forces) (特戰部隊):
- ES (SP期指) long (1585.75, 1621.50, 1653.25)
- EC (歐幣期匯) long (12874)
公告: 偶在做完這段股市大漲(二砲+特戰部隊::股票+期貨)大賺完勝之後 ... 要退隱江湖了! 因為要管理自己和朋友們的帳戶比較忙所以比較沒時間再多灌水了! 但是同學有問題提出偶還是會儘量抽時間回答!
Announcement: Currently my portfolio's huge floating profit is way much more than what I expected, especially that in my futures account. I'll stop writing posts very soon after I complete this home run. I'll still be around. If you have any question or need any help, feel free to PM or email me.
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