Bot XLU 37.03 :: 25% SAC



lilitulip 发表于 2013-2-22 12:02 PM
do you think right now we should observe on weekly chart or daily chart? I couldn't find any suppo ...
I have been reading weekly and daily charts. The problem of NUGT is that its trading history is very short (since 2010-12) and it is in the all-time low these days - which means that there is no support that we can find from the chart. In this case, counting wave is a good idea.

While I was typing to reply lilitulip, my add-up short got triggered (ES).

Out for this one. Trading is too fast to post. I'll keep silent for my futures trading.

I still keep the short position that was established two days ago.

lilitulip 发表于 2013-2-22 12:34 PM
so from 9/21/12, which wave we are at? wave 1 9/21/12 to 9/26/12, wave 2 9/26/12 to 10/1/12, wav ...
Yes, I also think so. This could be the end of a bear run ... however, we don't rule out the possibility of some extension waves (i.e., 123456789 waves in this case). Let's not to worry about the long term big waves. In short term view, see the following update of yesterday's post:
02/07 高點起跌
02/12 低點完成第一小波
02/13 高點完成第二小波
02/20 低點完成第三小波
02/21 高點完成第四小波
目前進行第五小波 (應該會破底才對)

I'll take profit of half short position if the market ever goes above today's day high (, and will still keep the other half short position overnight for the weekend).

這個盤拉不上去 ... 偶再次加碼空入期指!

DCE 发表于 2013-2-22 03:07 PM
不知道呀! 今天的走法甚是關鍵! 如果今天無法收高 - 下星期一萬一開低盤就是一個長黑!

K! 又盤上去了 ... 先將這個加碼的補回來 ...

mainstreet 发表于 2013-2-22 04:25 PM
偶賭下 ... 難道現在真的要崩盤了嗎??? 偶賭下星期一黑色星期一!

Sold ERY 5.89

茜茜 发表于 2013-2-22 05:13 PM茜茜 - 希望妳的LULU能夠踩穩然後上攻! 這個市場偶還沒開始看多 ... 今天平掉ERY完全是出於風險控制(因為週末所以在沒有明顯利潤的情形下偶不想留倉) ... TLT因為是個 "牛皮股" (意思就是說一支股票不會動) 所以偶留著也無仿 ... 下周一比較多頭的開盤法就是開高盤 ... 比較有利空頭的開盤法就是開低盤 - 因為偶是看空所以最好的開盤價位是: SPY 154.42 以下 ... SPY 154.62 以下開盤為次好
Closed at high of day.

茜茜 发表于 2013-2-22 06:58 PM
看看吧. 如果没有什末坏消息, might be higher open.
Will see!
LULU 只要開高就向上走 (偶猜)

bucks 发表于 2013-2-22 07:38 PM
正式开始看跌市场,今天把该结的短期长仓都结了,不过还没空。下星期一很关键,再看 ...
偶也看空市場! 前天早上建的期指空倉今天平了一半 ... 還留一半空倉過周末 ... 週一只要開平或開低偶就會再加碼空進去!

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Big Troop (大部隊):
- EEM 10% (44.08)
- EFA 10% (59.11)
- TLT 10% (116.26)
- Cash 70%
SAC Troop (二砲部隊):
- TLT 26% (117.06)
- XLU 25% (37.03)
- Cash 49%
Big Troop (大部隊):
- EEM 10% (44.08)
- EFA 10% (59.11)
- TLT 10% (116.26)
- Cash 70%
SAC Troop (二砲部隊):
- TLT 26% (117.06)
- XLU 25% (37.03)
- Cash 49%