I see what you are saying. If you count the leg from 147X to 1343 as a wave-A, then we are in wave-B, and probably the wave-C to fall below 1343 has started. I have changed the bearish view as my preferred count to a bullish view the past couple weeks.

Yes, I agree with you. If the market resumes the bearish movement, the leg C wave will be a reall disaster!

不行! 這市場太多人看熊了! 要大漲!

If so, the market is in mix mode.

Thanks for sharing that link. That survey has a positive correlationship with the market.

茜茜 - 妳現在有哪幾隻股票? (希望這次不是被偶害的)

應該現在要開始起飆了 ...

還好沒有偶的水下股 ... (不然偶就一再地對不起妳了)

F 看來還好吧 ... 11/28/2012 是這幾天短期上漲的發起點 ... 所以如果是偶的話 - 偶會放STP在 $10.96

今天是狂飆之前的最後一次買進機會 ...

偶這個冬天的滑雪還沒開始 ... 偶會在 Christmas 前開始 ...

目前偶大部分是處於水下 ... 就當娛樂帖好了!
Big Troop (大部隊):
- EEM 25% ($41.29)
- IWM 25% ($79.68)
- Cash 50%
SAC Troop (二砲部隊):
- CHS 8% ($18.72)
- WSM 12% ($45.53)
- DF 12% ($17.31)
- VAR 12% ($70.15)
- ERX 22% ($47.43)
- FAS 13% ($109.29)
- Cash 21%
SOF Troop (Special Operations Forces) (特戰部隊):
- ES long (1412.00, 1413.00)
- JY short (12123)

偶操作帖單子的寫法改了又改 ... 連偶自己都暈了! 再改一次看看這次會不會簡單明白一些:
X (STP), -- (LMT), | (OCO), CXL (Cancel), :: n% xyz (With n% fund in xyz Troop)
掛新單 (New Order) - To Buy, To Sell, To Short, To Cover
成交單 (Order Filled) - Bot, Sold, Shorted, Covered, Out, Filled