Every Trader Must Come To Terms With Losing ... Jim Rogers says,
"As you may have noticed, futures trading is a humbling vocation. every trader must come to terms with losing, because all traders lose. In fact, most traders lose most of the time. It`s the bottom line that counts - winning more than you lose. But since losses are unavoidable one other primary principle of trading is to limit your losses." - in Hot Commodities

Hkwave 发表于 2012-11-28 07:09 AMHkwave - Most people believe that diversification is a good thing in managing portfolios, but I don't think that it has anything good except reducing risk. However, risk comes along with return, and an over-diversified portfolio does perform well because the stocks with positive alpha cancel out those with negative alpha. Also, since I am a TA purist, I don't reallly care anything about correlation or not as long as I manage the risk of each stock well. Furthermore, I prefer to trade ETFs instead of individual stock because ETFs have much less non-systematic risk than that of stocks.
Your trading style is very interesting. I see you have 3 portfolios. And you trade a few ETF eventhough they are correlated and going the same direction most of the time. What is the reason for this? Easier to apply risk management?
What is the minimum fund for each of the 3 portfolios? How do you split them? Thanks.I did not disclose the size of my portfolios, but you can see the weight of each stock. Each fund has its own target -
Big Troop targets on low risk long-term investment (1X ETF).
SAC Troop targets on medium risk short-term investment (3X ETF + individual stocks).
SOF Troop targets on high risk ultra-short-term trading (futures).

On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 9:17:17 AM UTC-5, snowrider wrote:
S ADBE $33.15 X
S XHB $26.12 X
On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 9:33:21 AM UTC-5, snowrider wrote:
Both stopped out

Yes, I bot at $26.41 and got stopped out at $26.12, so the loss was 1.1%. Since the allocation was 12%, so the whole portfolio loss was 0.1% for that trade.

(嘆口氣地說) 明明知道這個星期是震盪盤 ... 偶還是被打得七葷八素的


I am lost too! I am bullish in medium-to-long term, but I have no idea what the short term direction is.

今天做的還是不順 ... 過去這兩天手癢做的個股今天也都被洗掉了 - 只剩下 LULU ...
Big Troop (大部隊基金):
- EEM 25% ($41.29)
- IWM 25% ($79.68)
- Cash 50%
SAC Troop (二砲部隊基金):
- LULU 12% ($70.51)
- Cash 88%
- SOF Troop (Special Operations Forces) (特戰部隊基金):
- ES (期指) long (1407.50)
- JY (日幣期匯) short (12163)
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